Renaud Vilmart's photo


I am currently an ISFP (Inria Staring Faculty Position) researcher at LMF, in the QuACS logo team from Inria Saclay.
I am co-supervising the “Groupe de Travail Informatique Quantique” (GTIQ), part of “Groupement de Recherche Informatique Fondamentale et ses Mathématiques (GdR-IFM), and am part of the scientific committee of the Inria Saclay Center.
I am interested in quantum computing in general, more specifically in categorical quantum mechanics and formal methods for quantum computing. I have worked on the development of a graphical language called ZX-Calculus, which can be used for visualising and reasoning about quantum processes.
I previously was a postdoctoral researcher at LRI, in the team VALS, with Benoît Valiron.
I did my Ph.D. with Emmanuel Jeandel and Simon Perdrix at Loria, in the team Mocqua. I have defended my thesis on September, 19th 2019. My manuscript is available here.
My CV can be found here.


My primary focus is the development of the ZX-Calculus, a graphical language for quantum computing, stemming from category theory. In this formalism, quantum processes are expressed in a graphical fashion, in a way akin to boolean circuits. The language is at the same time very intuitive, and unifies other models for quantum computing such as quantum circuits and measurement calculus.
The ZX-Calculus comes equipped with a set of graphical transformations that are allowed as they do not change the overall quantum operator that is represented. During my Ph.D., I tackled the problem of completeness of the language: knowing whether there were enough transformations to completely capture quantum mechanics.
You can find a list of my publications here. This one got me the Kleene award for best student paper at the conference LiCS (Logics in Computer Science). My Ph.D. thesis was rewarded to an "accessit" to the "Société Informatique de France"'s Gilles Kahn award.






LMF - Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay
4, avenue des Sciences
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France